Thursday, November 4, 2010

Moral tale

You are What you Eat!
There once was an oversized candy corn and a plump broccoli tree and cauliflower flowerette. Brodan, the broccoli, and Cayenne, the cauliflower, did not like Chippy, the colorful candy corn. They continually gossiped about the hideous stripes and obnoxiously cheerful personality of Chippy. Although the two boring and negative vegetables made fun of the bright and happy candy corn, Chippy continued to be happy and perky and never let their words affect her. In an attempt to get rid of Chippy, one day Brodan and Cayenne planned a surprise attack on the candy corn. Their plan was for Brodan to distract Chippy with a bright orange construction cone while Cayenne would pounce upon the innocent corn and bite his white tip off. So one day while Chippy was walking down the street, she noticed a beautiful bright orange cone moving towards her. Thinking the cone was another corn like herself, she began approaching it. Once she reached the cone, she noticed that it was just an ordinary construction cone. “But why is it moving?”, she thought to herself. As she turned to walk home, a big white crunchy object pounced upon her. Thinking she was just being robbed, she began hitting the robber with her purse. When she was finally able to get a good glance of the attacker, she realized who it was that was attacking her. It was the big mean cauliflower flowerette. Before she could escape, the cruel flowerette bit her little white tip off. Being completely infatuated with the delicacy of the white part of the candy corn, Cayenne could not stop at just the white part. He continued eating the yellow and orange part. In the meantime, Brodan was hiding in the orange cone to see the outcome of their attack. As Brodan was watching, he noticed that Cayenne began turning white at the top of his head. As Cayenne continued indulging in the candy corn, he turned bright orange and yellow. Instead of helping his cauliflower friend, Brodan burst into laughter and completely abandoned his “best friend”. The rest of Cayenne’s life, he had to face the persecution of being a candy corn. But unlike Chippy, Cayenne never was happy with his new life as a candy corn. His friend abandoned him, he was now full of sugar, and he became exactly what he strived all his life to be most unlike.
The moral of this story is, you are what you eat!

letter from the editor

Letter From the Editor

Happy December to all of my fellow classmates and outstanding faculty. What a great month December is! We are quickly approaching Christmas, and you know what that means: Cold weather, hot cocoa, sitting by the fire, and our least favorite, Christmas shopping! As we enter this Christmas season, do not forget the real reason for the season. It is extremely easy for us to get caught up in the Christmas trees, presents, candy canes, and Santa Clause, that we forget what Christmas is really about. If you are boggling your brain for ways to share the true Christmas story, then I will give you a couple ideas.
I am sure you have heard the saying, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear”. This saying is actually true, but in our case, we would sing about Christ’s birth instead of Santa’s coming. So if you want to try something new, go Christmas caroling or better yet, get involved in a church Christmas play. There are so many ways to share the true reason for the season, you just have to look for opportunities and grab them when they come your way.
Another way to spread Christmas cheer is to help others who may not get anything for Christmas. We take it for granted that we get Christmas presents, when many children around the world do not get anything! We do not even deserve anything anyway because it is not even our birthday! It is Jesus Christ’s birthday, so let us do something good for someone else.There are many different organizations whose purpose is to supply unfortunate children with Christmas presents. So this Christmas, why don’t you ask your parents to buy a present for a child in need instead of more for you.
So now that we have learned a few ways to make someone else’s Christmas something that they will remember, let us put them to action and truly celebrate the reason for the season. The true reason is that God sent his son to Earth to die for our sins, so that we may have eternal life. I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas this year. Until next time, farewell!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

blog assignment # 17-25

I have been working on the yearbook!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blog assignment "12-17

I was working on the yearbook! :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

assignment #13-14

I was working on the yearbook and helping people by answering questions about the blog. BTW the make a mess website is going to huggies so we are unable to do that project.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Assignement #6-10

I was working on yearbook pages and t shirt design. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Assignment #6: feature story

Where are the kittens now?

Most of y'all may remember the story from the newspaper last year that talked about BCS's little kittens. Well if you just take a look around, they are no where to be seen. This could be the product of them getting taken home, running off, or even dying.
It is a large possibility that someone around the school decided to take the kittens home to make them their pet. If this is the case, I sure hope it was a good owner. The "kittens" are soon to be adults i'm sure so they could even begin to have children of their own if their owner allows them. Coach Smith was always a sucker for taking home the kittens that were found here. Last year we even begged him to take the sick one home but he didn't like the color of it. So if noone took them home, where else could they be?

There is also another possibility that they ran off when they got old enough to fend for themselves. If this is the case, they could be ANYWHERE! They could have walked on down the road to some business or home and got picked up there. They could be off in the woods searching for some kind of food to sustain them. Maybe they wandered off and will come back every so often.

What is the last scenario might you ask? Well, they could be in kitty heaven. The little kittens could have starved to death with noone at school to feed them. Maybe the kittens climbed up in a vehicle while someone was parked and then got killed by the engine. Lastly, maybe they ran out into the street and got hit by a car.
These poor kittens were very special to BCS and I'm sure we would hate to hear that they are now..DEAD! We must remember though that with every life, there is eventually death, and maybe their life was cut shorter than others. Don't worry yourselves children, we are unsure of the true outcome of these little furballs!

I am sure by now that everyone has heard and worried about the oil in the Gulf. Well, I am here to tell you that some beaches are still as beautiful as ever. Beaches such as the ones in North Carolina, Georgia, California, and even some in Alabama and FLorida are as gorgeous and oil free as ever. So if you are looking into going to the beach, find out which beaches are clean and hit the road!

It has been all over the news since the incident that all the animals and beaches are ruined but do not always believe everything that you hear. I went to the beach in the middle of June and it was beautiful. The last few days, tar balls and seaweed began rolling in but about two miles down the shoreline, the beach was crystal clear. There is also other things you can do at the beach then play in the ocean.

Is it really worth it to completely give up and not go to the beach at all because you are believing something that may or may not be true? I suggest if you plan to go to the beach, ask someone what the status of the oil is on the particular beach. It's not as hard as people make it sound to find someone that knows first hand about the water.
BP is trying hard to clean up the beaches and clean up the gulf. This task is so great that it will take a long time before everything will be completely perfect again. Just remember that you can still find beaches without oil. In fact, there are beaches other than the ones in the gulf. So go out and explore!

So if you plan to go to the beach, go!, and do not stress the small things. Go and relax and hear the waves of the ocean. Just because the water may have oil in it, the waves sound just as peaceful! Oh and if you go, please take me! :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Assignment #6: Np ideas

1. beach
2. seniors preparing for college
3. tips for online classes
4. study habits
5. how to keep locker clean
6. how to get in the school groove
7. how to not flunk school
8. lunch provider
9. cell phones
10. mac vs. pc
11. advice column
12. letter from the old editor
13. interview of an alumni
14. the future of BCS
15. new coffee program
16. trees
17. tree huggers
18. latest movie ratings
19. electricity
20. inventors
21. calculators
22. scissors
23. pencils
24. jewelry
25. fashion tip
26. ER experiences
27. healthy hair and nails
28. jackets
29. bugs in the air and all around you
30. that's random
31. did you know?
32. stuffed animals
33. good tv shows
34. white out
35. duck tape
36. teachers
37. oru
38. headphones
39. music
40. love
41. scriptures
42. kids corner
43. how to apply for college
44. how to apply for a job
45. how to be a good student
46. storms lately
47. where are the kittens now?
48. what is the smell in the junior high hall?
49. what's in the jar?
50. Lsu concessions

Assignment #6:Yearbook ads

1. Custom Metal Works
2. Aas monogramming and printing
3. Kayla Samuels
4. Larry George
5. Voodoo BBQ
6. Basspro Shop
7. Ditsy Daisy
8. Community Coffee
9. Starbucks
10. Smoothie King

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Assignment #5

14-15: This person must really like white fluffy puppies. Every picture is of a white fluffy puppy. They are quite adorable. Makes me want to squeeze there little bellies! There's not much more i can say about these fluffy little puppies.

Alexis' flower is very pretty. It is yellow! My favorite flower is the sunflower so I do love this page. It doesn't contain very much but that's okay. Its very simple and vivid!

Wesley's page is very random but cool. I'm assuming that he really likes cars, random things, girl, and transformers. His page shows all of his interests. His written stuff is kinda strange but it's good. I like yellow.

16-17. This person is creepy! Talk about scary!!! I don't really care for the creepy pictures but hey this person must fantasize over them. It's pretty interesting i guess. I do like how they kept somewhat of a theme.

18-19: This page is very creative! I like how she included all of the academic things about Bethany. It shows alot about our school. She even included everyone in the class' name. I love this page.

20-21: This page is very unique. It sums up the old bethany in one page. Minus some of the sports that Bethany doesn't have. I do like this page. It reminds me of this is sparta.

Larry george must love guitars. His pictures are very cool looking. I like the colors and backgrounds. This page is very well organized. I love it!

30-31: This is a very musical page. WHoever did this page must love music. I like it. Its well organized. It is about one theme.

78-79: This page includes pictures from school. It is also very random. Its about guitars, cars, cakes, jon jon, and many other things. I'm not really sure what the major theme here is. It describes Jon Jon.

2-3: This page is about Saints football. All it has on it so far is a fleur delis. I like the Saints. I like fleur Delis. I like this page.

1. Smoothie King
2. Sammy's
3. Snap fitness
4. Taylor Wintz
5. Mikki McLendon
6. Canes
7. Central Perk
8. Subway
9. Caliente
10. Sabel Steel

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Assignment #4

I had pages 24-25 in the yearbook to design and edit and all. I tried to do it on babies but the pictures wouldnt work too well so i just used some of my iphoto pictures. I just used random pictures, mainly from the beach though. I do like the website although at times it can be a little difficult. I like keeping it about the beach though because I really want to go to the beach again!

blog assignment #3

For my yearbook page, I made it all about the beach. I included photos from my latest beach trip. I added text, pictures, and a template. Once I got it all how I wanted it, i saved it and closed out. By the way i really like the bright colors and designs for the yearbook this year. To be honest, i just made up stuff to write. :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

My name is Danielle. I was born in a hospital. I was born into a somewhat Christian family. My mom was a Godly woman but my dad was not. I had a sister that is 15 months older than me. When i was about 1 or 2 years old my parents got divorced. I lived with my Nanee, mom, and sister for about a year or so.

My mom remarried when i was about 3 years old and i gained 4 new step siblings. I was very scared at first because my new siblings were older and they weren't sure if they wanted to be nice to my sister and I or not. After getting to know us a little better, they loosened up and were very friendly. My two new older sisters spoiled me and carried me every where i wanted to go.

On my real dads side of the family i have one step brother, one step sister, and one half sister. I never really saw much of those siblings because i never really wanted to see my real dad much. When I was about 3 or 4 years old my step dad adopted my older sister and I so we would have his last name. My step dad is who i consider my "dad".
When I was younger we had horses, dogs, tons of cats, a few rabbits, and whatever else roamed around. I loved to play outside with all of my siblings and climb trees with my older brother. When I was seven years old my mom told me she was pregnant! I was devastated because i was the baby. When he finally came along I began to accept the fact that it really wasnt the end of the world!

Now i am just a normal teenager that is a senior in high school. I can't wait to finally finish so i can start college and become a neonatal nurse. I have the best of friends and a significant other. ;) That's about all of my life summed up in five paragraphs!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Tips for newspaper students for next year: Dont sign up! Dont sell your sould over just yet! you are too young to die! haha jkjk But at times i do wonder why i am putting myself through this again next year. I think it is because i am hoping Jenny decides to forget about blogs over the summer and make this a fun class all year next year! haha
If i was editor, i would do my best to get out of all blog assignments! I would have to write a letter from the editor for every issue. I would also check and make sure there were no grammatical errors in the paper before it gets sent out. Pretty much i will invite nathan back to do it all! :)
Over the summer i plan to work work and work some more. Next week i have to work at Jo Jo's snowball stand but the rest of the summer i will only be working as a lifeguard and at snap! At snap i have to clean everything and watch the gym and if anyone comes in, i show them around and hopefully sign them up. At my church i work as a lifeguard. Some days we have hundreds of kids in the pool at once! it can be very tiring!
I also plan on hanging out with my friends during the summer. Maybe go swimming at my house or watch movies or whatever else! This weekend i am going to my camp with my family, some family friends, and tyler! That should be tons of fun and a good way to start my summer! I can't wait! only one more exam to go!
Lastly i plan on going to the beach in mid june:)! Bailey is coming with me! yay! we always have so much fun together! i have to help with Vacation Bible School for my church in the beginning of June. Hopefully this summer will go by slower than the last but thankfully, this next year we will be seniors!!! :) Yippheeeeeeeeee

thank GOODNESS I have finished this class! :Final Exam

How to Make 3 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake

This is said to be one of the most dangerous cakes in the whole world!
  1. Get a coffee mug of choice. If you are making this as a gift choose a coffee mug especially for that person. If you are making it simply to eat just grab your favorite coffee mug.

  2. Step2

    Add dry ingredients to coffee mug and mix well.

  3. Step3

    Add the egg and mix thoroughly.

  4. Step4

    Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.

  5. Step5

    Add chocolate chips ( I used white chocolate as that is what I had) and vanilla and mix again.

  6. Step6

    Put your coffee mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. The cake will rise over the top of the mug, don't be alarmed.

  7. Step7

    Allow to cool a little, tip out onto plate if desired and eat.


    How to Express a Dog's Anal Gland

    Squeeze the dogs anal gland and you will be able to get all kinds of juice and yummy stuff out! this makes the dog feel great! he may not like it at first but just keep on squeezing!


    How to Nurse in the Side Lying Position

    Nursing in the side lying position is an easy way to feed your baby during the night or naptime. Additionally, it is ideal for women who recently had a c-section since it does not put stress on the stomach. This position gets easier as the baby gets older and may be more comfortable for women with large breasts. A nursing toddler may even be able to feed in this position with no help from mom.
    lay down next to the baby facing him, roll up a blanket behind him and start feeding


    Safety for a Baby in the Bathroom

    Parents should always be within arm's reach of an infant in the bathtub, and resist the urge to leave even for a minute to answer the phone or finish a task. According to Kids Health, an infant can drown in an inch of water, so even a small amount of water can present a danger.


    How to Become a Cheerleading Flyer

    A cheerleading flyer leads cheers from the tops of pyramids and stunts, performing the motions and yelling the cheers while balancing in challenging positions high in the air. Following the stunt or pyramid, down comes the flyer, cradled by her bases, sometimes after a twist or tumble. Because of the demands on cheerleading flyers, to become one requires months or years and a set of skills improved and practiced constantly. The younger a cheerleader starts flying, the longer she has to develop the skills she'll need to perform complicated stunts to cheer competitively in the future


    How to Date a Male Cop

    Many women are attracted to a man in uniform, and police officers are a commonly coveted type of uniformed man. Dating a police officer is much like dating a man in any other profession; however there are a few differences that some women don't take notice of when pursuing a relationship with a policeman. Knowing a few things about the life of a policeman can make it easier for interested ladies to successfully date a male cop.
    1. Find a place to meet police officers. The first step to dating a man in blue is finding one. One way to meet police officers is to hang around their favorite gathering places. Quite often you'll find groups of policemen sharing meals at coffee shops near the police station, or enjoying a few off-duty beers at local taverns nearby. Make the rounds of the establishments near your local precinct, or join your Neighborhood Watch program and you will likely meet a few good men.

    2. Step2
      Obey the law or risk your relationship.
      Obey the law or risk your relationship.

      Obey the law. One of your top priorities should be to obey the law regardless of who your boyfriend is, but to date a police officer will require you to go by the book on all accounts. You won't want to him compromise his principles (or his job), and neither will he if you are doing something illegal. No matter what legal issues you may have had in your past, make sure your present and future are squeaky clean to ensure a smooth-running relationship with a male cop.

    3. Step3
      Be prepared for dating at odd hours.
      Be prepared for dating at odd hours.

      Be accepting of odd and inconvenient schedules. Because protecting the public is a 24-hour-a day responsibility, police work is anything but a 9-to-5 job. Most cops are required to rotate shifts, work early or overnight shifts, and sometimes have only a few days off in long periods of time. Be prepared to spend time together at unusual times of day or night, during brief interludes, with occasional long periods of time apart. You must exhibit considerable independence to maintain a dating relationship with a cop.

    4. Step4
      Join a Neighborhood Watch program to meet cops.
      Join a Neighborhood Watch program to meet cops.

      Date cops in your neighborhood police district. If you want to make the most of his limited time while dating a police officer, try to date men who are stationed within your neighborhood, city, or town. Most cops are required to live in the city that they are patrolling. If you're dating a policeman who works in your area, it's likely he lives nearby as well. Reducing travel time for a man who already has a tight schedule can enable you to spend more quality time together.

    5. Step5
      Educate yourself about police work.
      Educate yourself about police work.

      Take interest in his work. Like men of any other profession, cops come home after a hard day's work and talk about their day. Having an interest in what he does, and various police cases or procedures will help keep conversations flowing and let him see that you think he is interesting.

    6. Step6
      Refrain from worrying.
      Refrain from worrying.

      Try not to worry. This may be the hardest part about dating a male cop. You must remember that the chose his profession to protect society from crime and will often put himself in harm's way in the line of duty. You must appreciate and respect that decision no matter how frightening it may be for you, particularly when a relationship is becoming serious.


      Signs That a Girl Likes You in High School

        Body Language

      1. Body language is one of the most obvious signs of attraction. If a girl stands closer to you than she does to others, touches you often, smiles a lot while talking with you and makes frequent eye contact, she may like you. An important part of gauging a girl's body language is to see how she acts with you compared with others, because some girls are naturally affectionate and flirtatious with everyone. If she seems more flirtatious with you than with others, however, she is likely attracted to you.
      2. Change in Behavior

      3. If a girl seems unusually nervous around you, that may be another sign she likes you. Perhaps she is normally cool and confident, but acts awkward or shy when talking to you. Or perhaps the opposite is true: Maybe she is usually quiet with others, but is more talkative with you. Any changes in her behavior that seem connected to you are a possible sign that she likes you.
      4. Warm Words

      5. If a girl compliments you a lot or is very friendly, she might like you. Though some girls are naturally friendly and outgoing, many girls go out of their way to chat with and say nice thing to the person they like. Notice how she acts with others; if she acts even more friendly toward you, she probably likes you.


      How to Talk to a Beautiful Woman

      1. Approach a woman with confidence, but not cockiness or arrogance. Many women say a major turn-off in a man is arrogance.

      2. Step2

        Introduce yourself and shake hands. Many women prefer this simple opening to cheesy pickup lines.

      3. Step3

        Compliment her on the asset you find most attractive. For example, "You have a really nice smile" or even "I like your hair." Women know that many men are not really interested in their fashion sense. If you do not feel comfortable complimenting a woman on first approach, don't.

      4. Step4

        Avoid making overtly sexual remarks about a woman's body, as this is typically a turn-off. Women get "hit on" a lot in bars and clubs, and another sexual come-on will just fade into the background.

      5. Step5

        Make a joke or funny comment if it is in your nature. Comments depend on your surroundings and the situation, so actual wording will vary. Many women find a man with a sense of humor very attractive. Avoid forcing a joke or funny comment if it is not in your personality to do so. Forced conversation looks like you are trying too hard or trying to be someone you are not.

      6. Step6

        Talk about common interests to make conversation equal between both parties. Be yourself and never talk about an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife, as this is a major turn-off. Avoid complaining or negative topics of conversation, as many women find self-deprecating conversation or "pity parties" unattractive.

      7. Step7

        Maintain eye contact with a woman, and refrain from looking over her shoulder, fidgeting or looking at her sexual assets (i.e., breasts, bottom). Sporadic eye contact makes many women feel nervous or that you are uninterested. Avoid crossing your arms, as many women feel this looks intimidating or arrogant.


        Dating & Relationship Facts

        First impressions
        turn offs
        first dates
        after the first date
        gettting serious
        break ups:(


        Public Restroom Etiquette

        dont take too much time, keep it clean like you are in your own house, avoid socializing in restrooms, wash your hands!