Thursday, November 4, 2010

letter from the editor

Letter From the Editor

Happy December to all of my fellow classmates and outstanding faculty. What a great month December is! We are quickly approaching Christmas, and you know what that means: Cold weather, hot cocoa, sitting by the fire, and our least favorite, Christmas shopping! As we enter this Christmas season, do not forget the real reason for the season. It is extremely easy for us to get caught up in the Christmas trees, presents, candy canes, and Santa Clause, that we forget what Christmas is really about. If you are boggling your brain for ways to share the true Christmas story, then I will give you a couple ideas.
I am sure you have heard the saying, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear”. This saying is actually true, but in our case, we would sing about Christ’s birth instead of Santa’s coming. So if you want to try something new, go Christmas caroling or better yet, get involved in a church Christmas play. There are so many ways to share the true reason for the season, you just have to look for opportunities and grab them when they come your way.
Another way to spread Christmas cheer is to help others who may not get anything for Christmas. We take it for granted that we get Christmas presents, when many children around the world do not get anything! We do not even deserve anything anyway because it is not even our birthday! It is Jesus Christ’s birthday, so let us do something good for someone else.There are many different organizations whose purpose is to supply unfortunate children with Christmas presents. So this Christmas, why don’t you ask your parents to buy a present for a child in need instead of more for you.
So now that we have learned a few ways to make someone else’s Christmas something that they will remember, let us put them to action and truly celebrate the reason for the season. The true reason is that God sent his son to Earth to die for our sins, so that we may have eternal life. I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas this year. Until next time, farewell!

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