Thursday, May 20, 2010


Tips for newspaper students for next year: Dont sign up! Dont sell your sould over just yet! you are too young to die! haha jkjk But at times i do wonder why i am putting myself through this again next year. I think it is because i am hoping Jenny decides to forget about blogs over the summer and make this a fun class all year next year! haha
If i was editor, i would do my best to get out of all blog assignments! I would have to write a letter from the editor for every issue. I would also check and make sure there were no grammatical errors in the paper before it gets sent out. Pretty much i will invite nathan back to do it all! :)
Over the summer i plan to work work and work some more. Next week i have to work at Jo Jo's snowball stand but the rest of the summer i will only be working as a lifeguard and at snap! At snap i have to clean everything and watch the gym and if anyone comes in, i show them around and hopefully sign them up. At my church i work as a lifeguard. Some days we have hundreds of kids in the pool at once! it can be very tiring!
I also plan on hanging out with my friends during the summer. Maybe go swimming at my house or watch movies or whatever else! This weekend i am going to my camp with my family, some family friends, and tyler! That should be tons of fun and a good way to start my summer! I can't wait! only one more exam to go!
Lastly i plan on going to the beach in mid june:)! Bailey is coming with me! yay! we always have so much fun together! i have to help with Vacation Bible School for my church in the beginning of June. Hopefully this summer will go by slower than the last but thankfully, this next year we will be seniors!!! :) Yippheeeeeeeeee

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