Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

My name is Danielle. I was born in a hospital. I was born into a somewhat Christian family. My mom was a Godly woman but my dad was not. I had a sister that is 15 months older than me. When i was about 1 or 2 years old my parents got divorced. I lived with my Nanee, mom, and sister for about a year or so.

My mom remarried when i was about 3 years old and i gained 4 new step siblings. I was very scared at first because my new siblings were older and they weren't sure if they wanted to be nice to my sister and I or not. After getting to know us a little better, they loosened up and were very friendly. My two new older sisters spoiled me and carried me every where i wanted to go.

On my real dads side of the family i have one step brother, one step sister, and one half sister. I never really saw much of those siblings because i never really wanted to see my real dad much. When I was about 3 or 4 years old my step dad adopted my older sister and I so we would have his last name. My step dad is who i consider my "dad".
When I was younger we had horses, dogs, tons of cats, a few rabbits, and whatever else roamed around. I loved to play outside with all of my siblings and climb trees with my older brother. When I was seven years old my mom told me she was pregnant! I was devastated because i was the baby. When he finally came along I began to accept the fact that it really wasnt the end of the world!

Now i am just a normal teenager that is a senior in high school. I can't wait to finally finish so i can start college and become a neonatal nurse. I have the best of friends and a significant other. ;) That's about all of my life summed up in five paragraphs!

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