Tuesday, January 5, 2010

100 A+

My favorite blog assignment was about the snuggie:). Snuggies are very dear to my heart and i enjoy speaking of things that I adore. It was an assignment you assigned to us and told us to right a feature story about the particular item or person. Of course, you know me oh so well so you picked my favorite object! :) This was my absolute fav blog assignment!

My second facorite blog assigment was the insanewhiches. They were so creative!! i wish i could make sandwiches like that and confuse people! Whoever made them were very clever and talented! i think our class should try to make some insanewiches!

I enjoyed learning more abvout Laura and writing a feature story on her. This leads me to my third favorite blog. I love to learn funny corky things about people. I was able to reach a little deeper into Laura's mind and write a feature story about her beautiful blonde self. I enjoyed taking my precious time to write about something that can actually breathe instead of those strange other things you made us blog about!

ohhhhh how i hate the 50 newspaper ideas!!! i cant stand sitting here staring at a blank screen until you finally think of 1 newspaper idea! you think you have accomplished something until you realize you have 49 more! how could you torture us in this way!!!!! after the first one, you start looking around and just naming stuff you see... for example.. mouse, shoe, hair, toes, fingernail polish,,etc!!! i sure hope you finally give up with those 50 np ideas! its not like you read them anyways.. hahahhahhahhhahah


  1. we share the worst favorite one.. 50 ideas.. but i didnt like that feature story on a person thing
