Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

Stephen Glass was a writer that made up all of his stories for the magazine he wrote for. He got away with it for the longest time but eventually editors from another magazine found him out. They started researching his article sources and realized he was making everything up. He ended up getting fired from the company he worked for and he was devastated. He was just mentally messed up!
He fabricated the quotes, sources, and events that occurred in his stories. A movie was made from his life and named "Shattered Glass". He did not benefit from the movie at all though. He thought he could work his way through his articles and never get caught and when he did, he made up websites and everything else to make it believable. He was a little loopy!
He thought his stories would be perfect if he had certain characters doing certain things so he just began making up the characters. So that he did and the day he got caught was the day his life came crumbling down!! He was devastated and regretful! He even went to his old editor to see if he would help him... But he didnt!!

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