Sunday, August 16, 2009


who:anyone can send a message through hello from earth
what: website sends text into space
when: From Aug. 12 until Aug. 24
where: CANBERRA, Australia
why: people hankering for an out-of-this-world experience can to post messages no longer than 160 characters that will be transmitted to Gliese 581d, the nearest Earth-like planet outside the solar system say likely to support life.
how:An Australian Web site is giving texting an intergalactic touch and allowing users to send short mobile phone-type messages into space.

My take on this article:
i think this is very interesting and if other life forms can receive these messages than that is extremely awesome! i never thought anyone would ever be able to even figure out how they could send messages into space!

He telleth the number of the stars, He calleth them by their names. Great is our Lord and of great power:his understanding is infinite!-the bible(psalm 147:4-5)

Gliese 581d is the nearest Earth-like planet outside the solar system likely to support life.