Wednesday, August 26, 2009

five news stories

what: he was giving a live robbery story at three in the morning and he ran into a pole and fell back
where: action five news
who: newscaster Chuck Storm
why: he just didn't stop and he kept on walking into the pole on accident
how: he was looking to the side and did not see the pole in front of him

what: a newscaster was on live giving a news report and a bird pooped in his mouth
where: someone's backyard
who: news reporter
why: the bird had to potty and he just happened to look up with the bird decided it was time to let loose
how: the man looked up and the poop fell in his mouth

what: a light falls on a news reporters head
where: onfox live tv
who: a newscaster
why: she was talking and the light randomly fell on the ladies head
how: she was under the light ficture and it just fell

what: little kids start attacking a news reporter with snowballs
when: sometime during the winter
where: in the street in rhondda valley
who: a news reporter
why: they wanted to have some fun!
how: they just started throwing snowballs at the man

what: pit bull attacks reporter
where: in the middle of the street
who: a news reporter
why: the dog just attacked him and the man started spinning around trying to get him off
how: the dog grabbed ahold of his leg and the man started trying to shake him off

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