Wednesday, August 19, 2009

50 ideas for np

1. shoe sizes(some people have big feet or some have tiny, some pertaining to height)
2. jonas brothers
3. basketball
4. baseball
5. softball
6. football
7. children cartoons
8. hurricanes(how to prepare)
9. birth rates
10. how to lose weight while still having fun!
11. amazing sushi retsaurants
12. the newest technology
13. a story about conjoined twins
14. the newest and most popular vehicles
15. comics section
16. fashion section
17. movies worth watching section
18. children's favorite movies, toys, hobbies
19. a list of people's funny pet peeves
20. a story about pen pals
21. a health and safety column
22. pointless school rules
23. the top broken school rules
24. top iphone games
25. top tv shows
26. crazy insects
27. museums in baton rouge
28. how to annoy teachers
29. funny jokes
30. random facts
31. did you knows??
32. a story about teachers when they were younger
33. a story about rock the river
34. ways you can help others
35. fun things to do with friends
36. surfing
37. beach!!:)
38. best places to go in disney world
39. favorite vacations
40. top 10 places to visit
41. top 10 restaurants in baton rouge
42. juniors class rings
43. fun events for seniors
44. interview from freshman fetuses
45. top stores to shop at
46. a story about toms shoes
47. top places that need missionaries
48. how to get mildew smells out of clothes/gum off of stuff(wash in vinegar)
49. makeup tips
50. birthstones

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