Monday, August 31, 2009

10 cool kids websites
how: just go to the internet and type in
when: you can get on at any time
who: anyone can go to this website and find fun games or things to look at or do
what: you can go to disney wesite and find games, videos, pictures, etc that have to do with disney shows
where: go to
why: it is entertaining
how: you can go to this website and find all kinds of legos
when: at anytime
what: it is a website where you can look at legos or even order them
who: anyone can use this website. mainly kids do though
why: it is a way for kids to look at the latest legos
who:anyone who has a webkins can use it
what: its a way to play with your webkins and make it like a real life pet
when: anytime of the day
why: to play with your webkins
how: got to the website and you can feed your anumal, play with it, etc

who: anyone can go to this website
what: you can dress up barbie dolls, check out the different ones, or whatever else
when: anytime of the day
why: for entertainment
how: just go to the website and play

who: anyone can play
Free to subscribe, your pre-teen can endlessly change their clothes, hair, and accessories. They can also meet and chat with other kids. Celebrating its first birthday online, the company offers virtual currency, Zbucks, that users can earn by playing games and then purchase even more stuff for their Zwinkies.
when: at anytime
where: go to the website
why: for entertainment
how: go to the website and you can just play

Puzzle Pirates
who: anyone can play
is one of the best multi-player online role-playing games. Users create their own personna, play puzzle games to advance in rank, participate in pillaging, and even chat with other pirates. Those with more experience and official membership (this translates to a monthly $9.95 subscription fee) can end up as captains, obtain special garb, fancier swords and (Avast, Matey!) fire the cannons.
when: at anytime
where: go to the website
why: for entertainment
how: just follow the instructions given and have fun!

who: anyone can play
This award winning site allows your child to be his or her own toon, meet others, earn points and collect badges by going on "adventures", while you retain parental control of the account. Again, there is a $9.95 monthly service fee if you want your child to have unlimited access to quests and more than 2 Toons, but at least you will know where your kids will be tonight.
when: at anytime

Disney’s Toontown is found to be an ego booster to the max for younger kids
how: just go online and go on the website

who: anyone can do this
Both kids and overgrown kids will love this site. You can now make yourself an M&M, just like in the TV commercials. You can then save, download it, send it as a postcard, or have it perform in various movies online. There is also an arcade to play in and screensavers to download.
when: at anytime
where: m&
why: for enjoyment
how: create your own m&m

who:anyone can play
takes the Tomagatchi to an entirely new level. With a free sign up, your child can go to Plant Central, select a seed, feed it, and watch it grow. You can also designate this as your child’s home page since it features plenty of games, articles, and chatting.
when: anytime
where: go to
We think this is a much better alternative to worrying about your kids on MySpace. Of course once they hit a slightly older stage, you will have to fret about them anyway, no matter where they are online.
how: you can play games and whatever else

Club Penguin
who: anyone can play it
At this very popular kids destination, your child can adopt a penguin, interact in a virtual town, and play games or chat with others
where: go to the website
why: for entertainment
Games and chatting are free, but you'll need to buy a membership ($5.99/month) to own a pet, buy clothing for it, or decorate the igloo. Human chat monitors keep an eye on the banter and kids are encouraged to report any inappropriate language or conduct.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

atrocious apostrophes

It is really funny to see how some people are just illiterate or just spell things wrong. There are so many signs, tshirts, billboards, etc that have words with apostrophe errors. the name of the group that adds these atrocious apostrophes pictures is atrocious apostrophes. you can checkout this group on flickr!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

five more Atrocious Apostrophes

five pictures from Atrocious Apostrophes

five news stories

what: he was giving a live robbery story at three in the morning and he ran into a pole and fell back
where: action five news
who: newscaster Chuck Storm
why: he just didn't stop and he kept on walking into the pole on accident
how: he was looking to the side and did not see the pole in front of him

what: a newscaster was on live giving a news report and a bird pooped in his mouth
where: someone's backyard
who: news reporter
why: the bird had to potty and he just happened to look up with the bird decided it was time to let loose
how: the man looked up and the poop fell in his mouth

what: a light falls on a news reporters head
where: onfox live tv
who: a newscaster
why: she was talking and the light randomly fell on the ladies head
how: she was under the light ficture and it just fell

what: little kids start attacking a news reporter with snowballs
when: sometime during the winter
where: in the street in rhondda valley
who: a news reporter
why: they wanted to have some fun!
how: they just started throwing snowballs at the man

what: pit bull attacks reporter
where: in the middle of the street
who: a news reporter
why: the dog just attacked him and the man started spinning around trying to get him off
how: the dog grabbed ahold of his leg and the man started trying to shake him off

Monday, August 24, 2009

crazy hotels!

what:Weird Hotels
when:anytime you want(vacation)
where: a. Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge
b. Hotel de Vrouwe in the Netherlands
c. Hang Na Guest House in Vietnam
d. Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica
e. Capsule Hotel in the Netherlands
f. Grand Daddy in Cape Town


a. Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge
-One room, the first built, is made to look like a brightly painted medieval town, with an ultra-mini golf course surrounding the castle bed. Another has furniture attached to the ceiling, another has coffins for beds, and still another has lion cages on stilts (the website claims that kids "love to sleep" in them). Then there's the Freedom Room, which resembles a prison, complete with a toilet next to the bed—oh, that German humor!

b. Hotel de Vrouwe in the Netherlands
-When they were owned by a Swiss château, the four enormous casks on the grounds of the Hotel De Vrouwe Van Stavoren in the Netherlands held the equivalent of 19,333 bottles of wine. Now, after some creative recycling, it's guests rather than booze that mellow out inside the casks. The richly worn and airtight oak barrels have two narrow beds, with a small sitting area outside. The grounds are quite close to tiny Stavoren's harbor, which was a major port in the Middle Ages.

c. Hang Na Guest House in Vietnam
-a complex that more than earns its local nickname, the Crazy House. The three main buildings are Gaudi-esque concrete treehouse-like growths that appear as if they flowed organically out of the ground. Inside, the walls seem to dissolve into the floor, and right angles are avoided entirely. Each guest room is built around a different animal theme: the Eagle Room has a big-beaked bird standing atop a huge egg, while another has arm-sized ants crawling up the wall. The animal theme continues outside — a large giraffe statue on the property contains a teahouse, and human-size "spider webs" are set up here and there.

d. Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica
-But few are as amazing as its own 727 Fuselage Suite, a salvaged 1965 Boeing 727-100 that looks as if it's crashed into the Costa Rican jungle (it's actually mounted atop a 50-foot pillar and reached via a spiral staircase). The jet's interior was once able to hold up to 125 passengers, but there are few reminders left of its days in the service of South African Airways and Colombia's Avianca Airlines. The suite's two bedrooms, dining area, and sitting room are now covered over entirely in teak to match the surroundings. Guests can play "spot the toucan" on the small wood deck that sits on top of the right wing.

e. Capsule Hotel in the Netherlands
-Colored bright-orange for easy visibility, the '70s-era escape pods that make up the Capsule Hotel once hung outside oil rigs, ready to be deployed in case of an evacuation. Recycled by self-proclaimed "garbage architect" Denis Oudendijk, the fleet of pods now rotates among different moorings in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe. At the moment, two are in the western Dutch town of Vlissingen and another is in The Hague. For a kind of James Bond-meets-Barbarella twist, opt to book your pod with a disco ball and all the spy's movies on DVD. It's a super-kitschy nod to a similar pod's appearance in "The Spy Who Loved Me."

f. Grand Daddy in Cape Town
-Cape Town's sleek Grand Daddy hotel has a surprise on its roof: a fleet of seven Airstream trailers, six of which were imported from the U.S. The aluminum-clad "rooms," which sleep two people, have been done in playful themes that incorporate icons like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" (a blonde wig and a bear suit are available for dress-up), and John Lennon and Yoko Ono (the room's white-on-white furnishings include an enormous bed, natch). If you don't want to stray as far from the trailers' original looks, there's the Pleasantville model, an Eisenhower-era fantasia with chintz, harvest-gold curtains, and flower-covered throw pillows.

i would like to visit:
Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge becasue the website makes it look so cool!! it would be so exciting to stay at a place like this! you could visit the Berlin Wall while visiting this hotel. All of the rooms are unique and completely different!

danielle mallett's responsibilities

my responsiblities:
mystery teacher/student
in the life of danielle mallett

i need to stalk these teachers and student that i have to do the mystery section on and then fill out the q and a fot the paper

i also need to think of a funny story that has happened to me and make an article out of it

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Laura Elizabeth Gainey feature story

Laura Gainey
Laura has two amazing parents.
Laura Gainey has two older brothers and one older sister.
Her absolute favorite sport is volleyball and she has been playing since third grade.
She has a dog named Kaylee May. which is a miniature schnauzer. you would think that this dog was a human because she treats her like a child.
She has a boyfriend named Danny.
Her two best friends are Lauryn Middleton and Lauren Herring!
She has blue eyes and blonde hair.
She has a neice and a nephew.
She loves LSU football and volleyball.
(That is Laura Gainey in a nutshell)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

50 ideas for np

1. shoe sizes(some people have big feet or some have tiny, some pertaining to height)
2. jonas brothers
3. basketball
4. baseball
5. softball
6. football
7. children cartoons
8. hurricanes(how to prepare)
9. birth rates
10. how to lose weight while still having fun!
11. amazing sushi retsaurants
12. the newest technology
13. a story about conjoined twins
14. the newest and most popular vehicles
15. comics section
16. fashion section
17. movies worth watching section
18. children's favorite movies, toys, hobbies
19. a list of people's funny pet peeves
20. a story about pen pals
21. a health and safety column
22. pointless school rules
23. the top broken school rules
24. top iphone games
25. top tv shows
26. crazy insects
27. museums in baton rouge
28. how to annoy teachers
29. funny jokes
30. random facts
31. did you knows??
32. a story about teachers when they were younger
33. a story about rock the river
34. ways you can help others
35. fun things to do with friends
36. surfing
37. beach!!:)
38. best places to go in disney world
39. favorite vacations
40. top 10 places to visit
41. top 10 restaurants in baton rouge
42. juniors class rings
43. fun events for seniors
44. interview from freshman fetuses
45. top stores to shop at
46. a story about toms shoes
47. top places that need missionaries
48. how to get mildew smells out of clothes/gum off of stuff(wash in vinegar)
49. makeup tips
50. birthstones

my =) box!!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: A Lifetime of Memories
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


1. who: anyone can use it

2. what: you can create a scrapbook, photo album, different types of cards, and anything creative like that on

3. when: you can use smilebox whenever you want.

4. where:

5. why: people use this to create scrapbooks, photo albums, cards, and whatever else.

6. how: all you have to do is go to smilebox and follow the instructions given to make whatever you intend to make

what i think about smilebox:

i really enjoyed making a smilebox. it was very easy but you can personalize it however you want which makes it all the better:)!

smilebox can be used to make all kinds of cards, scrapbooks, photo albums, or anything like that.

smilebox makes me think of a! like a box of smiles! which is the truth because people are smiling in pictures(well usually)

Monday, August 17, 2009

kerpoof movie:)

to view my movie go to:

Sunday, August 16, 2009


who:anyone can send a message through hello from earth
what: website sends text into space
when: From Aug. 12 until Aug. 24
where: CANBERRA, Australia
why: people hankering for an out-of-this-world experience can to post messages no longer than 160 characters that will be transmitted to Gliese 581d, the nearest Earth-like planet outside the solar system say likely to support life.
how:An Australian Web site is giving texting an intergalactic touch and allowing users to send short mobile phone-type messages into space.

My take on this article:
i think this is very interesting and if other life forms can receive these messages than that is extremely awesome! i never thought anyone would ever be able to even figure out how they could send messages into space!

He telleth the number of the stars, He calleth them by their names. Great is our Lord and of great power:his understanding is infinite!-the bible(psalm 147:4-5)

Gliese 581d is the nearest Earth-like planet outside the solar system likely to support life.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

25 famous people on twitter:

1.Oprah Winfrey> -she posts all of her problems anonomously
2.Sara Bareilles-she is a famous singer and she likes to post her songs
3.P. Diddy-he has good smelling colgne for men
Snoop Dogg-fo shizzle my nizzle
5.John Mayer-he can sing amazing
6.Barack Obama-he is our president
Shaquille O’Neal-he touch touch the sky
Sarah Palin-she wil proabaly be our next president
Tyler Perry-he is hilarious on madea
Michael Phelps-he can swim like a little fish in the sea
QTip-they have a funny name
Questo- from the Roots.
Arnold Schwarzenegger-he has a funny voice
Ryan Seacrest-he is the host of american idol
Ashlee Simpson-she sings her little heart out
Soulja Boy-he likes to sing songs and make dances to them
Britney Spears-she was bald at one time

18.John Tesh-radio man
19.Jordan Sparks-she has no air

20.Discovery Channel-they have cool electronics and space stuff
21.Miley Cyrus-she has the best of both worlds
22.Stephen Fry-he is a comedian
23.Lance Armstrong-he is inspirational
24.Al Gore-he is a politician
25.Rick Sanchez-he is a tv anchor man

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1. twitter is like a facebook status update type thing
2.anyone can use it but usually it is people that are really bored and have no life or just want to know how other people are doing
3.just to be nosy or to give them something to do
4. i dont really see the point in it because its not very interesting
5. most bands, taylor swift, obama, and i know some people from my church have one
6. i mean it may bring people together or it may just make the computers more slow. i dont really know because i dont know much about twitter!

Monday, August 10, 2009

danielle loves ms gemmii!!