Tuesday, March 16, 2010

march 15 blog assignment


Queen invented phone, pupils say

how: they just didn't know the truth
when: in a poll
where: around the world
why: school children are not tuned into the real heroes in history but rather in the latest music and such
what:One in 10 children thinks the Queen invented the telephone, a survey of children's science knowledge suggests.
who: children

Facebook traps Italian fugitive mafia suspect

how: According to Italian newspaper La Repubblica, he was arrested as he tried to escape from the roof of the apartment complex near the southern city of Crotone.
when: recently
where: Crotone
why: he was a murderer that was caught
what: The 33-year-old, who faces charges of murder, mafia association and drugs trafficking, was traced via his network of Facebook contacts.
who:Police say the man - one of the country's 100 most-wanted suspects - was responsible for the 2004 murder of a member of a rival clan, who was killed with a portable rocket launcher.

Kidnapped boy found in Pakistan
when: March 3
where: from his grandmother's house
why: he was kidnapped
what: The family of a five-year-old British boy who was kidnapped while in Pakistan say they are "ecstatic" after he was found safe and well.
who: british boy
how: someone came in and kidnapped him

Pakistan drone raid 'kills eight' in North Waziristan

how: The missiles hit a militant compound in hills near the village of Datta Khel close to Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan region.
when: recently
where:north western Pakistan
why: missiles were fired
what: Missiles fired by a suspected US drone have killed at least eight people in north-western Pakistan, officials say.
who: pakistan

Baldness 'could be good for your health' say scientists

how: Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine studied 2,000 men aged between 40 and 47.

They were able to link high levels of the male hormone testosterone in those who lose their hair earlier with a lower risk of tumours.

when: in a study

where: University of Washington School of Medicine
why: it was proved in a study
what: A receding hairline can be a good thing, according to US scientists, who say men who go bald by 30 appear to be less likely to develop prostate cancer.
who: men in general


Thai Protesters Pour Own Blood at Government HQ

how: they poured blood on sidewalk
where: gate of prime minister's office
why: they were seeking a change of government
who: thai protesters
what: Thai protesters seeking a change of government turned to shock tactics Tuesday, pouring gallons of their own blood into a glistening puddle at the gate of the prime minister's office.

Losing Faith in the Messiah

how: people are starting to lose interest in the President
when: unknown
where: unknown
what: U.S. President Barack Obama glided off the stage to thunderous applause. He had just given a speech that commentators around the world, particularly those in the Muslim world, would characterize within minutes as "historic."
why: Eight months later, the president was forced to admit that he had not even come close to reaching the goal he had set for himself. "We overestimated our ability to persuade [both sides] to [negotiate]," he told Time reporter Joe Klein in the White House Oval Office in January. "If we had anticipated some of these political problems on both sides earlier, we might not have raised expectations as high." It was an astonishing admission.
who: Obama

Where Are They Now? Life After 'The Bachelor'

How: they got married
when: this past week
where: there wedding destination
what: After 19 combined seasons of "The Bachelor" and its sister spin-off' "The Bachelorette," two couples have tied the knot. Season 13 "Bachelor" single father Jason Mesnick, tied the knot to Molly Malaney on national television this week, following in the footsteps of season 1 "Bachelorette" couple Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter.
why: they were in love
who: Jason and Molly

Plane Kills Beach Jogger in Emergency Landing

What: a plane killed a jogger when it went to land: A 38-year-old jogger from Georgia is dead after a single-engine plane making an emergency landing hit him as he ran on a South Carolina beach listening to his iPod.
when: recently
where: beach in South Carolina
how: the man was in the way of the plane
why: plane had to make emergency landing
who: jogger man

California Earthquake Wakes Up Los Angeles

What: a earthquake struck California
when: recently
where: Los angeles
how: An earthquake shook southern California early today, causing little damage but worrying residents who fear a massive disaster like those recently seen in Haiti and Chile.
why: just a part of life
who: California people

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