Wednesday, March 17, 2010



I’m sure everyone has heard of or worn diapers. If not, then where have you been for the last..hmm 3000 years? Diapers have been used since the first baby was born i’m sure. These “diapers” may not be the same as we have now but they had the same purpose. Back in the day, mothers would use a cloth as a diaper for their baby and when it needed changing, they would just put a clean piece of cloth on their babies bottom and hand-wash the dirty one. Nowadays, a diaper is a sponge-like garment worn by individuals who are incapable of controlling their bladder or bowel movements, or are unable or unwilling to use a toilet.

Most often, it is babies that need diapers. Most mothers await the day that their little baby learns to use the potty so that they no longer have to change their nasty diaper. The average child is ready to retire diapers at the age of two or three. This statistic varies depending on how fast the child learns to use the potty and how soon they are ready for change. Potty training requires loads of patience and a willingness to accept setbacks – and that goes for both you and your child!

There are so many brands of diapers. A few of which are Pampers Cruisers, Swaddlers, Baby Dry, Easy-Ups, and Huggies. Once a child is old enough to start potty training, parents will put a pull up on them so they can easily slip it on and off when they need to potty. Once the child masters the pull up, they are ready for the “big boy/girl undies”! The parents live for the day when they no longer have to change a “stinky”!

Not only are diapers a hassle, they are an expensive hassle! Parents might as well take out a mortgage in order to pay for the expenses of diapers and wipes. Sometimes, people get so much in debt from having children and most of it comes from the cost of diapers. You wouldn’t think that something so necessary would be so expensive!

When babies are first born, it is so easy to change their little booty because they only have a small amount of tee-tee or poo-poo. Once babies get bigger, it is no longer cute for a baby to relieve themselves. It is a dread and it smells like a stink bomb went off and you can’t escape it! At least they only need diapers for a few years and then you are done forever, well until the next child you may have.

I don’t know what we would do without diapers! We would have a very messy world. It would be so unsanitary and disgusting. Thank you to whoever invented these wonderful spongy poop trappers!

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