Monday, March 22, 2010

bloggin bloggin...

News Middle East
UN body rejects bluefin tuna ban
who:un body
when: who knows!!
where: quatari capital
what:The UN body overseeing commerce in endangered wildlife has rejected a proposal from Monaco to outlaw international trade in eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna at a meeting in Doha, the Qatari capital.
why: Canada, Japan and several poorer nations opposed the measure, which was defeated by 68 votes to 20, saying the measure would help to destroy their fishing economies
how: they voted upon it
Obama (or Netanyahu) as modern Moses!
who: clinton and obama and other people
what: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has delivered another "The US and I personally are in love with Israel" speech to America's pro-Israeli lobby - with a twist.
Her three-part speech at the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) on Monday underlined Washington's unshaken strategic and moral commitment to Israel "forever" and, in the second part, threatened Iran with tougher sanctions and warned it will never allow it to develop nuclear weapons.
when: unknown
where: somewhere
why: she is insane! Like Moses, Obama - an unflinching supporter of Israel who has its interest and security at heart - will take it and the region to the promised land.
how: who knows!!

US: Israel faces difficult choices


what:Clinton's backing for Israel's security needs received standing ovations from Aipac delegates [AFP]
Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has told America's pro-Israel lobby that the building of Israeli settlements in the occupied East Jerusalem and West Bank is preventing peace with the Palestinians.

when: recently i guess

where: She made those remarks at the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) in Washington DC on Monday, following diplomatic tensions between Washington and Israel.

why:bc there was diplomatic tension

how:at a conference

Miley Cyrus on New Movie, New Love

who:Miley cyrus
what:Miley Cyrus' leading role in the "The Last Song" posed a new challenge for the actress and singer, and she said she's "excited to go on to new chapters."
when: when it comes out
where: in theators
why: she quit her tv series so she can star in movies
how: she began filming

U.S. Health Care -- Good for America, Bad for the World

who:obama and his little followers
what:passed the healthcare bill
when: last night
where: the house and senate
why: they dont even know
how:they voted for it to pass
ABC News Investigation: The Blueberry Children

who: children and walmart
what:Walmart and the Kroger supermarket chain have severed ties with one of the country's major blueberry growers after an ABC News investigation found children, including one as young as five-years-old, working in its fields.
when: lately, The children were discovered at the Adkin Blue Ribbon Packing Company, in South Haven, Michigan, this summer by graduate school students working with ABC News as fellows with the Carnegie Corporation.
where: in the fields
why: walmart will not put up with child labor
how: they were just working
Yarn crafts and knitting festival promoting Nordic art to take place in Iceland

who: icelanders

what:The Loops: Nordic Knitting Art 2010 yarn crafts festival, is set to take place at the Nordic House in Iceland’s capital Reykjavik, between the summer months of June and July.

when:june and july
where:nordic house
why:they like yarn crafts
how: hmm because thats what they want to do!

Swedish football club bans foreign languages


what:The Swedish football club Brommapojkarna (BP) has introduced a contentious language policy that demands all players at the club converse only in Swedish, or find they are ineligible for team selection.



why:they dont want them talking in other languages

how:they banned it

Finnish children growing bigger, faster

what:A new study of children in the Finnish city of Espoo has uncovered new standards for national physical growth curves. The report showed that today’s children are not only larger at birth than their parents, but that they are growing faster and have bigger heads


where:in finland

why:“Because of the obsolete curves, children who are normal have been defined as oversized. Many have been sent unnecessarily to be tested,” according to Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Eastern Finland Leo Dunkel.

who: finnish children

how: its just because of obsolete curves

Wednesday, March 17, 2010



I’m sure everyone has heard of or worn diapers. If not, then where have you been for the last..hmm 3000 years? Diapers have been used since the first baby was born i’m sure. These “diapers” may not be the same as we have now but they had the same purpose. Back in the day, mothers would use a cloth as a diaper for their baby and when it needed changing, they would just put a clean piece of cloth on their babies bottom and hand-wash the dirty one. Nowadays, a diaper is a sponge-like garment worn by individuals who are incapable of controlling their bladder or bowel movements, or are unable or unwilling to use a toilet.

Most often, it is babies that need diapers. Most mothers await the day that their little baby learns to use the potty so that they no longer have to change their nasty diaper. The average child is ready to retire diapers at the age of two or three. This statistic varies depending on how fast the child learns to use the potty and how soon they are ready for change. Potty training requires loads of patience and a willingness to accept setbacks – and that goes for both you and your child!

There are so many brands of diapers. A few of which are Pampers Cruisers, Swaddlers, Baby Dry, Easy-Ups, and Huggies. Once a child is old enough to start potty training, parents will put a pull up on them so they can easily slip it on and off when they need to potty. Once the child masters the pull up, they are ready for the “big boy/girl undies”! The parents live for the day when they no longer have to change a “stinky”!

Not only are diapers a hassle, they are an expensive hassle! Parents might as well take out a mortgage in order to pay for the expenses of diapers and wipes. Sometimes, people get so much in debt from having children and most of it comes from the cost of diapers. You wouldn’t think that something so necessary would be so expensive!

When babies are first born, it is so easy to change their little booty because they only have a small amount of tee-tee or poo-poo. Once babies get bigger, it is no longer cute for a baby to relieve themselves. It is a dread and it smells like a stink bomb went off and you can’t escape it! At least they only need diapers for a few years and then you are done forever, well until the next child you may have.

I don’t know what we would do without diapers! We would have a very messy world. It would be so unsanitary and disgusting. Thank you to whoever invented these wonderful spongy poop trappers!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

march 15 blog assignment


Queen invented phone, pupils say
how: they just didn't know the truth
when: in a poll
where: around the world
why: school children are not tuned into the real heroes in history but rather in the latest music and such
what:One in 10 children thinks the Queen invented the telephone, a survey of children's science knowledge suggests.
who: children

Facebook traps Italian fugitive mafia suspect
how: According to Italian newspaper La Repubblica, he was arrested as he tried to escape from the roof of the apartment complex near the southern city of Crotone.
when: recently
where: Crotone
why: he was a murderer that was caught
what: The 33-year-old, who faces charges of murder, mafia association and drugs trafficking, was traced via his network of Facebook contacts.
who:Police say the man - one of the country's 100 most-wanted suspects - was responsible for the 2004 murder of a member of a rival clan, who was killed with a portable rocket launcher.

Kidnapped boy found in Pakistan
when: March 3
where: from his grandmother's house
why: he was kidnapped
what: The family of a five-year-old British boy who was kidnapped while in Pakistan say they are "ecstatic" after he was found safe and well.
who: british boy
how: someone came in and kidnapped him

Pakistan drone raid 'kills eight' in North Waziristan
how: The missiles hit a militant compound in hills near the village of Datta Khel close to Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan region.
when: recently
where:north western Pakistan
why: missiles were fired
what: Missiles fired by a suspected US drone have killed at least eight people in north-western Pakistan, officials say.
who: pakistan

Baldness 'could be good for your health' say scientists
how: Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine studied 2,000 men aged between 40 and 47.

They were able to link high levels of the male hormone testosterone in those who lose their hair earlier with a lower risk of tumours.

when: in a study

where: University of Washington School of Medicine
why: it was proved in a study
what: A receding hairline can be a good thing, according to US scientists, who say men who go bald by 30 appear to be less likely to develop prostate cancer.
who: men in general


Thai Protesters Pour Own Blood at Government HQ
how: they poured blood on sidewalk
where: gate of prime minister's office
why: they were seeking a change of government
who: thai protesters
what: Thai protesters seeking a change of government turned to shock tactics Tuesday, pouring gallons of their own blood into a glistening puddle at the gate of the prime minister's office.

Losing Faith in the Messiah
how: people are starting to lose interest in the President
when: unknown
where: unknown
what: U.S. President Barack Obama glided off the stage to thunderous applause. He had just given a speech that commentators around the world, particularly those in the Muslim world, would characterize within minutes as "historic."
why: Eight months later, the president was forced to admit that he had not even come close to reaching the goal he had set for himself. "We overestimated our ability to persuade [both sides] to [negotiate]," he told Time reporter Joe Klein in the White House Oval Office in January. "If we had anticipated some of these political problems on both sides earlier, we might not have raised expectations as high." It was an astonishing admission.
who: Obama

Where Are They Now? Life After 'The Bachelor'
How: they got married
when: this past week
where: there wedding destination
what: After 19 combined seasons of "The Bachelor" and its sister spin-off' "The Bachelorette," two couples have tied the knot. Season 13 "Bachelor" single father Jason Mesnick, tied the knot to Molly Malaney on national television this week, following in the footsteps of season 1 "Bachelorette" couple Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter.
why: they were in love
who: Jason and Molly

Plane Kills Beach Jogger in Emergency Landing
What: a plane killed a jogger when it went to land: A 38-year-old jogger from Georgia is dead after a single-engine plane making an emergency landing hit him as he ran on a South Carolina beach listening to his iPod.
when: recently
where: beach in South Carolina
how: the man was in the way of the plane
why: plane had to make emergency landing
who: jogger man

California Earthquake Wakes Up Los Angeles
What: a earthquake struck California
when: recently
where: Los angeles
how: An earthquake shook southern California early today, causing little damage but worrying residents who fear a massive disaster like those recently seen in Haiti and Chile.
why: just a part of life
who: California people