Tuesday, November 10, 2009

storytime with danielle rough draft

Story time with Danielle Mallett:

Hey I gotta tell you something! So a few years ago my family decided to go to San Antonio to visit my brother in the Air Force. The hotel we stayed at was very nice and elegant. My parents repeatedly told my sister, little brother, and I that we needed to mind our manners and be careful not to break anything. We obeyed them at first, but we were tired of being cooped up in the hotel room so we went out to explore. We ran down the hallways looking for something fun to do. We arrived at a door that contained a sign on the door saying “Fitness Room.” We looked at each other and knew that we all had the same idea. We went in just to find that the room was a tiny little cavern with about three and a half pieces of workout equipment. One of which was a treadmill. My little brother jumped on the treadmill and my sister and I got on either side of it. As the treadmill began to slowly start up, Christian began to walk. Lauren thought it would be funny to make the treadmill go really fast. So she reached over and turned up the speed. The treadmill gradually got faster and faster. Christian was oblivious to what was about to occur. He went from walking extremely slow, to walking a bit faster, to jogging a little, and then to sprinting. The treadmill was going so fast that Christian flew forward headfirst and his body was flung off the back of the treadmill. His head flew against the wall and he jumped up. Lauren and I looked at each other in astonishment. Before we could even realize what happened Christian began laughing, then crying, then laughing, and then crying. He wasn’t sure how to respond. Lauren and I could not help but to bust into laughter. We were all laughing so hard that we had tears streaming down our faces. We ended up having to tell my parents what had happened, but they didn’t have to worry about us getting into any more trouble because we had learned our lesson.

Almost every year my family goes snow skiing in California because we have family that owns a house up there. We have had many cases of incidents that have occurred from snow skiing. One time I was going down a slope with my aunt, my sister, my older brother, and a friend of the family. We went down this trail and we arrived at a point where the only way down was a steep cliff. (Aka double black diamond) I was fairly young and still very cautious. When I looked down the side of the mountain and saw that it was a huge drop-off I got a bit scared. Okay I got extremely scared! My aunt is a professional skier so she told me how I needed to go down the mountain. She told me to keep my skis together and slowly slide sideways down the mountain. I was making it down okay until all of a sudden my skis got caught on each other and I started tumbling down backwards. One of my skis flew off and was sliding down right behind me! Every time I flipped around I could see the ski about heading straight for me. I tried to dig my bare hands into the snow to stop myself but it was not working. Finally I stopped flipping and when I looked up I realized I was right in front of a fence. My face and hands were completely numb! My aunt came flying down the mountain with a panicked look on her face. When she got to me she kept asking me if I was okay. When I looked down I noticed that I was almost to the very bottom of the mountain. My sister and Trey (our family friend) were at the bottom dying laughing at me. They said I looked like a human snowball rolling down the mountain. It was quite an experience and my family still picks on me about it.

I hope you enjoyed the stories in this issue. Until next time farewell!

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