Monday, November 30, 2009

present of America

The present is full of many new inventions and new technology. for instance, one of the newest biggest things is the iphone. a whole of of people have them and almost all of those that dont, well they want one!! new cars are on the market every few years! Gas prices keep rising and falling just enough to make them fall again.

nowadays, everyone is talking about the war in iraq and also the stock market and how are ecomomy is crashing. Everyone is so worried about health insurance and everyother financial burden that they are unable to focus on the good things in life. i think everyone is afraid of what kind of change our new president is going to bring about. i know that alot is already changing and most of it has caused lots of controversy. the present is pretty hectic but i think the future will be more chaotic. people are relying tooo much on electronics ibnstead of what God really wants us to use... our brain!!!!!

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