Monday, November 30, 2009

present of America

The present is full of many new inventions and new technology. for instance, one of the newest biggest things is the iphone. a whole of of people have them and almost all of those that dont, well they want one!! new cars are on the market every few years! Gas prices keep rising and falling just enough to make them fall again.

nowadays, everyone is talking about the war in iraq and also the stock market and how are ecomomy is crashing. Everyone is so worried about health insurance and everyother financial burden that they are unable to focus on the good things in life. i think everyone is afraid of what kind of change our new president is going to bring about. i know that alot is already changing and most of it has caused lots of controversy. the present is pretty hectic but i think the future will be more chaotic. people are relying tooo much on electronics ibnstead of what God really wants us to use... our brain!!!!!

the past of america

I would have loved to live in the past. First off, during the Bible times, people used the resources that God gave them and made the best out of them. they ate and drank natural things and they stayed in shape from walking everywhere they went. in the past, there were so many things that were discovered and invented. christopher columbus discovered the new world, world war 1 and 2 broke out in the 1900s.
i would have loved to live during the victorian or pioneer times. everything was so different back then! they didnt have all of the worries that we have nowadays. the decleration of independence was written, the pilgrims and indians made peace, wars broke out all over the world, and abraham lincoln was assassinated. so many things happened during these times!!

the future of America

i believe the future will be full of new inventions. like in the movie wall-e, i think that the people of the US will turn into obese people living off of technology. people rely so much on technology nowadays i cant imagine how much worse it will be. if we are not careful we will become a country too worried about money and technology, that we will never have time to spend with family and be happy. i hope the future is mmore pleasant than this but i think that at the rate we are going, we will end up in chaos!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

president obama

President Barrack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States. His father was from kenya and his mother was from Kansas. His family valued education and hard work. He was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He attended law school at Harvard Law School.

He and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7. Their daughters were born in chicago. They invited Michelle's mother, Marian Shields Robinson, to come live with them in the White House. Marian is the only surviving parent of both Barrack and Michelle. obama says that he learned empathy from his mother. his political views were greatly influenced by his parents.

Obama was elected to the Illinois state senate in 1996 and served there for eight years. In 2004, he was elected by a record majority to the U.S. Senate from Illinois and, in February 2007, announced his candidacy for President. after winning a rough battle against hilary clinton, he won the votes and won the democratic nomination. he eventually won against Mccain also and won the presidency.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

storytime with danielle rough draft

Story time with Danielle Mallett:

Hey I gotta tell you something! So a few years ago my family decided to go to San Antonio to visit my brother in the Air Force. The hotel we stayed at was very nice and elegant. My parents repeatedly told my sister, little brother, and I that we needed to mind our manners and be careful not to break anything. We obeyed them at first, but we were tired of being cooped up in the hotel room so we went out to explore. We ran down the hallways looking for something fun to do. We arrived at a door that contained a sign on the door saying “Fitness Room.” We looked at each other and knew that we all had the same idea. We went in just to find that the room was a tiny little cavern with about three and a half pieces of workout equipment. One of which was a treadmill. My little brother jumped on the treadmill and my sister and I got on either side of it. As the treadmill began to slowly start up, Christian began to walk. Lauren thought it would be funny to make the treadmill go really fast. So she reached over and turned up the speed. The treadmill gradually got faster and faster. Christian was oblivious to what was about to occur. He went from walking extremely slow, to walking a bit faster, to jogging a little, and then to sprinting. The treadmill was going so fast that Christian flew forward headfirst and his body was flung off the back of the treadmill. His head flew against the wall and he jumped up. Lauren and I looked at each other in astonishment. Before we could even realize what happened Christian began laughing, then crying, then laughing, and then crying. He wasn’t sure how to respond. Lauren and I could not help but to bust into laughter. We were all laughing so hard that we had tears streaming down our faces. We ended up having to tell my parents what had happened, but they didn’t have to worry about us getting into any more trouble because we had learned our lesson.

Almost every year my family goes snow skiing in California because we have family that owns a house up there. We have had many cases of incidents that have occurred from snow skiing. One time I was going down a slope with my aunt, my sister, my older brother, and a friend of the family. We went down this trail and we arrived at a point where the only way down was a steep cliff. (Aka double black diamond) I was fairly young and still very cautious. When I looked down the side of the mountain and saw that it was a huge drop-off I got a bit scared. Okay I got extremely scared! My aunt is a professional skier so she told me how I needed to go down the mountain. She told me to keep my skis together and slowly slide sideways down the mountain. I was making it down okay until all of a sudden my skis got caught on each other and I started tumbling down backwards. One of my skis flew off and was sliding down right behind me! Every time I flipped around I could see the ski about heading straight for me. I tried to dig my bare hands into the snow to stop myself but it was not working. Finally I stopped flipping and when I looked up I realized I was right in front of a fence. My face and hands were completely numb! My aunt came flying down the mountain with a panicked look on her face. When she got to me she kept asking me if I was okay. When I looked down I noticed that I was almost to the very bottom of the mountain. My sister and Trey (our family friend) were at the bottom dying laughing at me. They said I looked like a human snowball rolling down the mountain. It was quite an experience and my family still picks on me about it.

I hope you enjoyed the stories in this issue. Until next time farewell!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

song about ms moise rough draft

clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
try it with me now

clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap

Everyone come on, off your seats
I'm gunna tell you bout a beat
thats gunna make you move your feet

your in chemistry 2
and you dont know what to do
and you look up and see
Kathy slappin her knee

draw it, build it, burn it, mix it
start a fire then call the teacher
she'll put her tea in the sky ,stomp side to side
roll to the wall, push off, glide

stomp stomp cross the floor
shuffle in your rolly chair
when the bell rings
hands on your knees
180 twist in your chair
throw it all together thats how we roll

do the moise
do the moise
do the moise
throw it all together thats how we roll

you get to or-gan-ic
and your feeling busted
but its not time to quit
practice makes you perfect

draw it, build it, burn it, mix it
start a fire then call the teacher
she'll put her tea in the sky ,stomp side to side
roll to the wall, push off, glide

stomp stomp cross the floor
shuffle in your rolly chair
when the bell rings
hands on your knees
180 twist in your chair

do the moise
do the moise
do the moise
throw it all together thats how we roll

clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
draw it, build it, burn it, mix it
start a fire then call the teacher
she'll put her tea in the sky ,stomp side to side
roll to the wall, push off, glide

stomp stomp cross the floor
shuffle in your rolly chair
when the bell rings
hands on your knees
180 twist in your chair

do the moise
do the moise
do the moise
throw it all together thats how we roll

do the moise
do the moise
do the moise
throw it all together thats how we roll

clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap
clap clap slap clapty slapty slap

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

recipe for dessert

Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin Cheesecake
Originally posted to by Elly, Ohio:


1 1/2 cups graham crumbs

5 Tbsp. butter, melted

1 Tbsp. sugar


3- 8oz.pkgs. cream cheese, softened

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup canned pumpkin

3 eggs

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1/4 tsp. allspice

Whipped Cream

Mix crust ingredients together, just till coated and crumbly. Press onto the bottom and 2/3 up the sides of an 8" springform pan. Bake for 5 min. at 350. Set aside.

Combine cheese, sugar and vanilla in large bowl, mix until smooth with an electric mixer. add pumpkin eggs, and spices, beat till smooth and creamy. Pour into the crust. Bake for 60-70 min. or till the top turns a bit darker. Remove from oven and allow to come to room temperature, then refrigerate. After it has thoroughly chilled, remove the pan sides and cut. Serve with whipped cream.

Monday, November 2, 2009

blog assign..11/2

1) Post 25 NP ideas for our November issue (we only have 3 weeks until we're out for Thanksgiving break!) for thanksgiving meals places to shop for the day after thanksgiving things to do on your break
4.story about fall
6.stories from alumni..interviews of people that graduated and became a part of the army or military
7. news on how homecoming etc
8.advice column.. secretly help people in news
9.catchy phrases(little twirky sayings)
10.we should have a themed issue
11.sports issues
12.Appropriate" Shout Outs that can be submitted by students..
13.Random Polls
14.How Seniors pick their senior quotes.. Maybe interview a few seniors on what they are thinking of picking, and what the senior quotes mean to them. In fact you might want to have a series of Senior interviews near the end of the year. About picking quotes, picking colleges, applying to colleges, feelings when they found out they had been rejected/accepted, future major jobs for teens
16.First Date Ideas
17.a page dedicated to Puzzles
18.A funny quote you heard someone say during the week? Probably best to keep it anonymous.
19.School-Appropriate Fashion to keep warm in the fall and neat places to go during the fall christmas movies to get into the spirit of christmas christmas songs
24.fall fashion tenm gift ideas

2) Go to
3) Search for "high school newscasts" or "high school news broadcasts"
4) Watch 3 of these videos, and post the links of the videos to your blog.
5) Give me 10 ideas you got from watching these videos (to use for YOUR news video this Friday)
1. be funny
2. be loud enough to be able to hear
3. try not to laugh
4. have korny goofy stories
5. get in to the character and act it out well
6. be as serious as possible with your topic
7. be random and spontaneous