Thursday, September 10, 2009

weird website engineer project

1.cell phone:
this was interesting. it was cool how you can make a phone for senior citizens and they didnt really like mine much. it was not what they wanted so they shunned me!!!

2.deep brain:
blood was squirting at me and i was pretty disgusted!!! it was trying to be realistic but it was kind of cheesy! haha it was fun performing surgery on a brain. i dont think people would really want me to perform brain surgery on them!

3.crash scene:
this project was interesting because i had to investigate a crash scene! i had to collect the evidence, interview the witnesses, calculate the forces, and draw conclusions. i was able to understand more clearly what real investigators go through to gather the result of an incident.

4.virtual hip resurfacing:
i never want to get hip surgery! it looks so painful and disgusting.. i would hope the person is asleep before you do this to someone!! i was grossed out by this one!

5.virtual hip replacement:
this one is disgusting also! i dont want to have any kind of hip surgery.. it is all disgusting and scary. i would hate to have to do that to someone because i would feel like i was inflincting torture upon them.

6.virtual knee surgery:
for the knee surgery i got to cut the knee open and perform surgery! it was pretty cool but quite disgusting because of the blood and bones and everything else. i had to hammer stuff down in the knee and whatnot. it looked pretty painful!

7.the odd machine:

i did something with making a wheel work for a hamster. i had to answer a lot of multiple choice questions. i also had to make odd machines work. it was kinda boring if you ask me.
i got to predict the weather and report the weather. for predicting it i actually had to make my own predictions and then when i finished it told me what was right and wrong. it was pretty cool. it would help me if i wanted to go into weather forecasting. but i don't!

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