Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Nathan oh nathan loves the book face.. He always posts pictures for baseball. His hobby is photography and he is always posting cool pictures. He has the most pictures of baseball though..

Nathan often times posts statuses about upcoming stressful school projects and tests. He is very witty with his statuses. He likes to explain his frustration on facebook at times. Mrs diaz likes to comment on nathans wall often. He is just a pimp.

One of his statuses said he likes sweaty men alot. Im kinda worried about him now! Im sure he is normal though. Mrs diaz wants to sit by his family at graduation. She must really like his family. Can you tell that i am just babbling about anything? haha

Nathan's most recent pictures are from prom. Him and roseann got mr and ms BCS. Way to go! I am very glad he got it because he deserved it! Hmm one more sentence for this paragraph... Nathan wore a tux!

Nathan said in one status, ignorance is bliss. This is very true! I hate blogging! its like pure torture. Well i only need to more sentences. Nathan is going to have another little brother soon! How exciting is that? well looks like im done yippee!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

feature story

Lauren Ashley Mallett is quite the character. She knows how to make someone laugh no matter what kind of mood they are in. She normally does not care what people think of her. She is just.... Hilarious!

Lauren is a brown headed, brown eyed southern girl. She grew up in the hick town of Denham Springs. We have been BFF since we were itty bitty babies. We are only 15 months apart in age making us very close. When we were younger we drove each other crazy but now we are like soul sistas!

It all began when a young mother birthed a beautiful dark baby. Lauren was sooo dark that my mom mistook her for a black baby. SHe was taking pictures of another baby at the hospital thinking it was her own. It was quite hilarious! From then on, it was lauren's destiny to be different.

whenever this bundle of joy came along, aka ME, Lauren was not too fond of me. One of my mom's friends had bought my sister a huge cookie whenever they were waiting in the hospital for me to come along but when she came to see me, she wouldnt even share! We grew up as two very adventurous tom boys! we loved to play with insects and animals and mud! At times, mom was unsure of whether we would ever be precious little girls.

We played outside from morning until dark almost every day. We plotted against our other siblings to get back at them. We were two peas in a pod! we never went anywhere without the other. We had such a fun childhood!!

So as life went on we had our ups and downs but it got us to the place we are now... BEST FRIENDS! I can tell my sister anything at all and no that she supports me 100%! I could not imagine a life without her! Dont get me wrong, we still have our arguments, but they only make us that much closer! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My year in journalism

hmm.. where do i begin? Maybe the first day i walked into the doors of the "journalism class room". A better name for that place could be the death trap, the concentration camp, the place of slave labor, must i go on? It all started when JENNY assigned seats at computers. "Ahh this can't be too hard of a class could it", i thought to myself. Boy did i know that i would be in for an adventure!

So the day she introduced us to blogger is the day my life went downhill!
l-long hard research
o- outrageous amounts of information to look up
g- GOD Save me!
g-God How about now you save me?
e- every single day!
r- rinse lather repeat!

It was like a vicious cycle! When we weren't writing stories for the actual newspaper, we were blogging about sandwiches and who knows what else! Besides the finger cramping writing, we played odd man out, like a knot, and made videos! ohhh wait, i cant forget the viscious slave labor of counting penny by penny by penny!!! The games were amazing but they were far and few between!

The people in that class are so fun to be around and we always have a blast! (even when writing blogs) Jenny never tells us about her boo but she knows all kinds of stuff about our boos!!! If i would have known, i would have not said a word and had a mystery man also! One day i will find out JENNY i promise!! i will be at your wedding whether you know i am or not! so BEWARE!!!! mwahahahhah

Oh did i mention that my lowest grade in all if my classes is in JOURNALISM! LIke really how hard could it be to get a good grade in this class? At least Jenny has alot of grace or else i would be failing her class!! So what i thought would be an easy fun class, turned out to be a very difficult class! So beware the dangers that lye ahead if you choose to take her class!

JKJKJKJKJK she is an amazing teacher and i love her classes! just not her blogs!!! :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

rural life museum

well... seeings that i have never been to the rural life museum and the website only talks about taking fieldtrips... i have no clue! the end!