Sunday, October 11, 2009

barnes and noble project

Barnes and Noble ( College Road)

If ever you need a place to read or study, Barnes and Noble is the place for you. Barnes and Noble is divided up into sections. They have the magazine section, the children section, the adult section, the music and DVD section, the game section, and then my favorite, the coffee shop. You can do all kinds of things at Barnes and Noble. Some of which are read, find books, study, listen to music, or even get coffee. This place has a very quiet and relaxing atmosphere. It is a great place to just sit back, relax, and read a book or study.

You can buy any kind of board game, such as scrabble, pictionary, monopoly, puzzles, etc. In the children’s area you can find all genres of books and even a few toys. These books range anywhere from mystery, fiction, nonfiction, coloring books, picture books, etc. Sometimes they even have a person read to the children or even Santa Clause. There are little tables and chairs set up for the little children to sit and read or color. Even I still love to find a good book and go sit in the children’s section.

Next they have the music and DVD section, which is upstairs. They have tons of cds to choose from. They have these scanners that you scan the cd under and you can put the headphones on and get a sample of the songs on the cd. They also have many DVDs in this section. They are on the opposite side of the cds.

The magazine section is downstairs and to the side, right behind the coffee shop. They have art magazines, fashion magazines, history magazines, science magazines, and some magazines that are better off to not be mentioned. There are so many magazines to choose from there. Some have amazing pictures that would be beautiful to paint. The coffee shop is where I like to go first. They have coffee, desserts, and even light meals; such as sandwiches and soup. This is my favorite part of the whole store.

Normally you see college students on their laptops, students looking for books, moms looking at the newest cooking magazines, dads looking at the books or history magazines, and children reading the children’s books. They have a large variety of people in Barnes and Noble. I love Barnes and Noble. I would like to go more often but I live so far away from both of them. I love going to Barnes and Noble but usually the only time I go is when I go to see a movie and we are a little early or when mom and dad want to go for no reason at all and I go with them. Barnes and Noble is a great place for our society to get schoolwork done and have all of the resources right in front of you.


  1. this was grrrreat and well written. maybe we can go hang out there one day!

  2. now is the time i would say something cute or clever but not for right now
